Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03373
From: "Jason -"
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 08:26:56 GMT
Subject: [alt-beam] CHIP NAMES
>From: BotDoc
>To: Jason -
>Subject: Re: IR collision detector
>Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 01:04:16 -0700 (PDT)
>--- Jason - wrote:
> >
> >
> > >From: Darrell Johnson
> > >To: Jason -
> > >Subject: Re: IR collision detector
> > >Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 00:21:38 -0700
> > >
> > >BotDoc *has* the schematic and parts list for his
> > IR collision detector
> > >on his page.. why don't you start there?? He even
> > put up a detailed
> > >description of how it works... That should be
> > enough to get you going..
> > >
> > >hey i mean no harm ok why are u guys so
> > browser cant acces
> > >geocities webpage...then why would u think that i
> > need to ask so
> > >much.......please be considerate darrell
>This is the circuit, the same one that you saw on my
>page (couldn't have detailed component questions
>otherwise) The head bicore is phototropic and
>influence his turning. I'll whoop up a schematic in
>the next few days of how to interface all of the
>things that he does... it is easier to do it that way.
> As far as values goes it REALLY depends on the
>individual bot, so I can't answer that (for example I
>use 10 meg resistors to make him walk). Just
>experiement with the values a bit. And play with the
>sensing range, the trim pots do that, he can see far
>enough... a few inches is a good range. I meant no
>hostility towards you.
I'm sorrie but i still hvae one more question bout the chip names like the
one u used in your bicore that listed 4041 and this their full
names or do they have the 74xx in front same goes to the ICM7556 and other words do i just show this name to the electronic store and
they will give me the thing ?
sorrie for all the trouble again....
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