Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03366

From: "Jason -"
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 05:56:12 GMT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: mwtilden joined the club

>From: Dave Hrynkiw
>Reply-To: Dave Hrynkiw
>To: "Nigel Joyce"
>CC: "BEAM Mail"
>Subject: Re: mwtilden joined the club
>Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 22:13:16 -0600
>At 07:38 PM 5/18/1999 , Nigel Joyce wrote:
>>Why not call him and ask?
>Ok, ok - it was just a little off-hand remark. SHEESH! I don't get this
>much response when we announce a new kit!
>....and YES, it is really him signing onto the BEAMclub at Yahoo...
well we will give this much of respond if there is a new kit...but that
never happened since a long long time ago and u never gave a hint whats next
and how it is made.....and are u that sure that is really mark T...well can
u get him to join the chat someday...let me know...k thanks


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