Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03363

To: James Niemasik
From: "Jesse D."
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 23:00:31 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Ian?

Remember, Ian DOES live in New Mexico, in the same time zone at Tilden..

James Niemasik wrote:
> A few things:
> In Ian's posts to the list, his IP's (they're dynamic) have started with 172.17.250
> and ended with .37, .45, and .46. The IP of the imposter post was also
> Dave's IP, however, is static at
> Secondly, all the messages from Ian, including the imposter post, have originated
> from Dave's, however, come from (as do
> Hyndman's, by the way), where X is usually 3 or 4.
> Third, the first section of the message path for all of Ian's letters ends with
> "-0600 (MDT)". The imposter post has this snippet too. However, all of Dave's posts
> end with "-0600" without the "(MDT)".
> There are tons of other signs too, but these are three of the most significant
> ones.
> James Anderson wrote:
> > James Niemasik wrote:
> >
> > > Well, it takes longer for some messages to get to you than others, and it's
> > > not your clock that determines what time they say. As far as Dave replying to
> > > his own message, that was a trick by Ian. (not as clever as you think, eh
> > > Ian?)
> >
> > James,
> >
> > Just out of curiosity, how do you figure it was Ian? I disagree, since both
> > Dave and Ian are at UTC -0600, while Mr. Impostor is a -400. Ian would've had
> > to purposefully change his time zone so that it *didn't* match Dave's, which
> > would cover his tracks to some extent, but would also lessen the quality of the
> > impersonation. Thoughts?
> >
> > Wondering Aimlessly,
> > James Anderson
> --
> * James Niemasik
> *
> * ICQ: 7490296 AIM: njamie
> *

__ __ Jesse C. Druehl __ __
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