Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03329

To: Richard Piotter, beam
From: Darrell Johnson
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 13:49:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Bronze and solder

Well, bornze isn't like aluminum.. While I've never tried electrical
solder, I'm pretty sure it'll work.. Bronze is made up of copper, zinc,
tin and lead.. (if I remember right) and welds very nicely. I know
bronze will solder fine with silver solder, as I have done that before.
Silver solder makes *very* strong bonds, and would be great for doing

best thing to try is to get one of the tubes from your hardware store
and try it.

Aluminum doesn't solder, but it does weld.. While I haven't done it
myself, I've seen friends do it in school.. ussed something like a TIG
welder I think.. It's a *very* touchy process, as the aluminun melts
really quick once it reaches it's melting point, which is right around
the temp required to weld it.

hope this helps,


--- Richard Piotter wrote:
> I have a local hardware store that sels all sort of
> bronze tube, bars,
> and dowels. I was wondering how well bronze is when
> it comes to
> soldering to it. nan plain 60/40 or Euclectic solder
> be used, or does it
> require a special (silver?) solder, or is it like
> aluminuma nd simply
> can't be soldered?
> While I'm at it, is there any way to solder to
> aluminum (it oxidizes
> instantly, and I realy don't think it's possible).

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