Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03303
From: Terry Newton
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 15:41:02
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: New to list
At 08:54 PM 5/15/99 -0600, Bob Pildner wrote:
>and i have a question for some of you fellow Beam people< has anyone
>tryed the H-bridge from Digi-key #ZHB6718CT-ND in any of your projects i
>have'nt had a chance to solder up mine yet.
I use them in my picbots, they're great. A tad expensive but they
make up for it in size/power ratio and fewer 'wires' to hook up.
I want to make a very small reversing photovore using tiny pager
motors driven by Zetex chips (arranged to latch and stay to about
1.4 volts) in a dual 1381 photovore popper circuit with extra stuff
to engage reverse actions if the feelers touch, a 4053 would do.
(one day, but I can dream!)
I posted schematics of positive and negative logic (for microcores)
Zetex H-bridge designs using no external transistors on March 10 99,
probably in the beam archive (which being web-based tends to mangle
ascii if viewed on line but looks ok if saved and viewed with fixed
fonts), or if you want it and can't find it email me.
Terry Newton
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