Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03294
To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 22:20:27 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: WALKER
When i assembled my H-Bridge drivers for Spyder, I tested the first one
to verify it worked. Apparently, the motors would JUST BARELY move.
Turns out I had the transistors in backwards. Check the H-Bridge out.
Mike Kulesza wrote:
> hey, i'm X_3_3 on the weekly beam chat...
> My walker is to weak to walk. I'm using an h-bridge and a 6V power supply
> with gear motors that have been said to be suited for walkers. Is it the leg
> shape, pulse length or the voltage perhaps? I doubt the robot is too heavy
> since the lectronics and the batteries are quite lightweight. When i run the
> motors straight of the battery (with no cicuit in between) they are quite
> strong, and whip up the robot's body.
> ______________________________________________________
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