Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03270

To: "Dave Hrynkiw"
From: "Hyndman"
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 08:59:56 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Servo Bots / Inspiration --> IS: WCRG'99

>>At 11:41 PM 5/13/1999 , Sean Rigter wrote:
>>So as a little taste of things to come here are three schematics for a
>>new class of Beam Tech : Beam Servo Bots. I have been working on the
>>idea of using hobby servos, without ripping their guts out, for a long
>>time but only recently had the time to try it out.

>Most timely! I was just pondering a similar concept for a BEAM sumobot I
>wish to build for next year's WCRG, as I want to make my ex-R/C-champ
>"CAB" autonomous. I think I'll just have to breadboard yours up first!

Well I told Bill Harrison that we would show him some competition at next
WCRG in the autonomous mini sumo. He's going to put up some info onto his
page to basically give us a fair amount of knowledge.

>We are starting work on arranging a full Millenium BEAM games (B2K) to be
>run in conjunction with WCRG next year. Not many details yet, but start
>saving your plane fair now!

Think there might be a problem with BEAM bots not being Y2K compatable.

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