Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03268

From: Steven Bolt
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:46:03 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Easter egg hunt suggestions

Ken Huntington (of Micropower SE fame) has joined the Egg Hunters.
A long conversation followed, which we decided to make public.
The main reason for doing so:

SB> But I think it would not be correct to view this as my
SB> Playground to do with as I please. The best way to deal with
SB> changes, I think, is to give all Egg Hunters the right to
SB> propose and to veto them. Of course that rule is effective
SB> only if we know who is (and who isn't) an Egg Hunter. This
SB> digest is probably the best criterion. Once someone has
SB> contributed to it, making him/herself known in public as one
SB> who is seriously interested in developing an Egg Hunting robot,
SB> that person is an Egg Hunter with the rights as described
SB> above. Objections to any proposed change have to be filed
SB> within let's say three weeks.

As on this page:

Which at present has these subtopics listed:

* Changing rules and definitions
* The contest
* Obstacle min/max diameter
* Height of the Playground border
* Black walls
* Modulated IR beacon
* Number of Obstacles and Eggs
* Discussing design details

Anyone interested in developing an Egg Hunter can take part in
the discussion (and the digest) simply by joining in. Mail what
you have to say to those listed on the page above, with "Easter Egg
Hunt" in the subject line. Your address and message may appear
in the digest unless you indicate otherwise.
This cc-type `mailing list' will probably do for a wile. I will update
and edit the digest, as well as the Egg Hunt home page:



# # Steven Bolt # popular science monthly KIJK #

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