Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03260

To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 09:33:29 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Everything you wanted to know about my Ray.

Hello All.
Well, it seems that after I posted my Ray design I got a huge amount of mail
asking me questions about how it works and how it was built. I will try to
answer a few.

Ray FAQ: (Is this really called for?)

Have you built this bot. Do you have pictures/avi's?

YES! I have built this bot but sadly at the moment I have no pictures
because I lack a scanner/digital camera. However I am working on it and I
will post my URL as soon as I get my website up.

What is the body made of?

The entire "jelly" boddy is moulded from clear silicon sealent. It is made
out of 4 layers. I intend to put full construction details on my web site so
whatch this space.

Does it float or sink? How well does it swim?

It sinks. But don't let that put you off. Its supposed to! it glides across
the water bed like a real Ray. As for how well does it swim; very very well
the BiCore controling the lung motion operated easly at about 3.5 breaths
per second making it very fast in short sprints. The tail also moves left
and right (another BiCore) depending on the light conditions. My ray is
configured to sleep during dark and then swim off the darkest place when it
gets light.

How does it swim?

Easy. Phew look at the diagram. The BiCore the the electromagnet to TS/BN
(Top South/Bottom North) repeling the belly of the ray away opining the lung
as it does this the water presure closed the rear valve and open the front
sucking in water from the mouth of the ray. Then the BiCore switches the
electromagnet to TN/BS Attracting the belly squeezing the water in the lung.
The presure then closed the valve at the mouth and opens the valve at the
rear jetting the water out the back this move the ray forward. There is also
another BiCore that controls the tail which is also moved by a electromagnet
and magnet.

Can I use your ray idea for my robot? Can I put your robot on my web site?

Yes, of cause you can. But please, please give me credit.

Any other ideas hiding on you workbench we should know about?

Look out for my new jelly fish with 360 degree movement. I is very accurate
to how a jelly fish moves / works. ie. It looks like a jelly fish, it swims
like a jelly fish, it is solar powered like a jelly fish and YES! (this is


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