Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03226
To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 09:14:54 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Motors
>Do you guys have any experience with running motors underwater? (No
>housing)IF so, has it worked ok?
Yes. Although I HATE this idea it does work even if it does shorten the life
of your robot. So you can do it but it has a lot of problems:
1. Only use your robot in "clean" tap water. You will lose to much power in
salty water and it will soon get jammed in pond water.
2. BEAM and water does not mix to well. Remember how senstive BEAM is. Also
take in mind that water will conduct even if it does have a high resistance.
3. Don't use your robot near any wild life as it tends to get pissed off.
4. A spinning propeller does not realy simulate the swimming action of a
creature. I like to build all of my aqua bots with either water lungs (jelly
fish) or fins (fish).
So there you go. Go on, give the jelly fish idea a go. you WILL be shocked
with the results. One "pop" from a SE can squeeze enough water to move a
small bot about 5 feet! Fast!
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