Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03219

To: Noam Rudnick
From: "George Rix"
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 17:44:42 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Waterproofing

I have seen this done, but you'd still need some sort of lubricant because
it would otherwise there'd be way too much friction.
Signing off,
Rob Rix
'I guess I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue' - from Airplane

>From: Noam Rudnick
>To: "Truco, Jean-Michel" , "'BEAM List'"

>Subject: Re: Waterproofing
>Date: Wed, May 12, 1999, 4:03 PM

> I guess one possible method for motor propulsion underwater would be
> magnetic coupling. The motor and power source could be totally enclosed in
> a waterproof container, and some kind of magnet (electromagnet or permanent)
> could be attached to the shaft. Then the propellor would be put on the
> outside of the vehicle, with a permanent maget attached to it. I do not
> know how effective this would be though, and what kind of torque you could
> get out of this method.
> Any thoughts?

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