Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03215

To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 10:49:33 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Waterproofing

>hi. I was wondering if anyone had any experiance with aquabots. If so, How
>did you Waterproof the motors? I basicly want to waterproof the shaft of

Hello, All the robots I build are designed to work either on or under water.
First things first which do you want; under or on water? If your robot
simply works on the surface of water then there are load of ways you can
waterproof a motor shaft. Go have a look in your local hobby/model shop. If
you don't care about leaking oil into the water (hay, I don't I'm English,
where used to leeking oil ;-)) the on thing you may want to try is to turn
yourself a small brass bush with an internal canal filled with thick oil or
greese. However if you want to make you robot swim under water then I would
suggest not using a motor at all. There are two other ways I like to use:
1. Have a look at how a jet-ski works then get your self a small water pump
and do the same. 2. Have a look at how a jelly fish swims build a flexable
"Jelly" coat. Hint: I use electromagnets as "Musles" and clear silicon
sealent as "Jelly".

Have fun in the water!

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