Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03207

To: "Jesse D."
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 08:47:12 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: My Pagerbot

You read my mind, I like the gimbals idea, I was thinking of 2 other
ways,1. A solenoid on each face that kicks out the side opposite the
strongest light source, or 2. Use the Magbot idea and mount it inside a
miniball sphere, 12 magbots, the coil opposite the light source repulsing
the entire component mass toward the lightsource and letting the now moved
centre of gravity to move the ball towards the light source. But the
gimbals may take the cake, You cannot think of a good layout for the
gimbals can you? The biggest advantage of this is that there will be no
visible moving parts.

> > I have a project that I want to try that has an array of 60 of them
> > in a ball, 20 sides of 3 SCPD's or 12 sides of 5 SCPD's.
> Now that sounds very cool!, like a multifaceted ball MADE out of those
> tiny cells.. by using some sort of parallel/series configuration and a
> double motor gimbal device inside, you just might be able to make bot
> that looks like a Dodecahedron but that ROLLS towards the light, unlike
> a miniball's random aproach..
> __ __ Jesse C. Druehl __ __

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