Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03136
To: "NSX -"
From: Wouter Brok
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 15:08:57 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Springs on walker
>u mean i should use decoupling caps?whats the value should i use then...for
>a master-slave bicore which is considered a high or low frequency thing?
No, that is actually not what I mean, I don't mean adding decoupling-caps
to the circuit, although this is also a usefull way to decrease noise. I'll
try to explain it in a less short way as in my previous mail:
Do you use a master-slave bicore, of which the master is suspended?
If you do than the easiest way to make the circuit more immune for noise is
to change one of the capacitors of the master. If the two capacitors of the
master have a different value the voltages at the inverter-inputs will not
converge to Vcc/2 (as they do in the equal capacitor-case) but one
inverter-input will converge to a lower, and the other one to a higher
voltage. The result of this is that the voltage-curve near the threshold of
the inverter is less flat. This results in the fact that noise will have
less influence on the period of oscillation and the length of one
half-period. (In theory one of both half-periods of one cycle of
oscillation can became shorter than the other a number of times after
eachother, or all the time; this would result in a anti-symmetric movement
of the legs of your walker. However, I do not know if this is the case in
your robot)
Which components do you use?
Do you understand what I mean now, or did I still explain it in a not so
clear way?
>thanks again in advance
You are welcome!
Wouter Brok
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