Nigel Joyce wrote: =
I recently got an e-mail from a friend of mine saying tha=
t 1 of =
your kits contained a Panasonic 1381 voltage detector.
size=3D-1>>"I thought I'd let you know however that I rece= I was wondering if your comp=
ntly =
purchased a 'mini serial servo controller' from Microzed >Computers (h=
ere =
in Aus) and there was a 1381 in the kit... (part of a reset =
any =
stocked these components, if so, I know of at least 10 people here =
in =
Australia who are screaming for these, they are as rare as hen's te=
eth =
here and the nearest supplier we can find is in Canada
size=3D-1>Please reply with details of if you stock 'em/don't stock 'em b=
ut will =
soon/never going to stock 'em/don't care about 'em.
size=3D-1>Oh, address for a catalogue is: Nigel Jo=
yce7/143 =
Baines StKangaroo PointBrisbane 4169Queensland Tha=
nks for =
your helpNigel
href=3D""> QUOTE>-- =
Regards From Bob Nicol, =
MicroZed Computers =
PO Box =
634 [296 North Cooks Road] =
2350 Phone (02) 6772 2777 [9-5 AEST] =
AUSTRALIA may transfer to Mobile 0409 036 775=
Digital =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; =
or 014 036 775 Analog =
; &n=
bsp; =
Facsimile (02) 6772 8987 [24hr] =
email =
web page
p; =
eGroup home: http://www.e=">">http://www.e=">"> - Simplifying group =