Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03062

Date: Wed, 6 May 1992 17:40:52 +0000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: F#$@ beam

I'll pay 10 cents, remember Dave, i have a voodoo doll of you too,
take this, (david drops soldering iron on Dave and plugs him into wall
Did it ever occur to anyone that we're being just a little itsy bit
Make sure transistors are in the right way (the arrow on the diargram
is always the emitter). I had the smae problem and this fixed it.

David Perry

> >I am 3 secons away from quitting BEAM completely and selling me $2500 worth
> >of parts for $.01.
> I'll pay $0.05.
> > I am cursed.
> Heh. I knew that Voodoo doll was a good investment... ;>
> > There is No way i can accept this. I have
> >switched out all of the parts on my FLED SE thoughsands of times (and I do
> >litterally mean that) and now I am taking old solar engines that I know with
> >every fiber of my being that they work, and I am getting the same results.
> What are you switching out? The motors? The solarcells?
> -Dave
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> "Um, no - that's H,R,Y,N,K,I,W. No, not K,I,U,U, K,I,_W_. Yes,
> that's right. Yes, I know it looks like "HOCKYRINK." Yup, only
> 2 vowels. Pronounciation? _SMITH_".
I'm sure David sinceraly apologises if he
insulted anyone, it won't happen again.


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