Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03042
From: "NSX -"
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 06:41:03 PDT
Subject: [alt-beam] HYPER WALKER 1.0
i while ago i mailed mark asking bout his particular robot is
actually a windup toy being modified as a robot which uses frequency to
detect motion/object...but the bad thing is...i dont have a clue how to draw
the schematic out based on his text like below and most of all i dont have
the getting started in electronics book by radio shack..sigh* so i hope u
guys could help me out
Mark's text:
Hi. the ambient 60Hz cat detector used a standard crystal radio reciever
hooked up to an amplitude modulated sample and hold. The bottom line is
that, inside a house with conventional wiring, any disturbance in the
percieved field would result in a spike that could enable movement. The
circuit was not BEAM but one I got from the radio shack "Getting Started in
Electonics: radio Circuits" series availalbe at most radio shacks. Both
zoidwalker and the cat-scarer were retrofits to wid up machines done in the
80s. Very old and very primitive.
Check out those books for circuits. Good luck.
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