Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03040

To: "Wouter Brok",
From: "Zulu35"
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 18:11:25 +0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: my beam snake...

oops... seems like it has already been mentioned... :)

> From: Wouter Brok
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: my beam snake...
> Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 3:56 PM
> Hello David,
> >okay, since i have little experience with bicores, it looks as if im
> >using SE's for my snake bot...
> >But theres one problem, the steering mechanism i planned would use a
> >photopopper circuit, but that won't work when you think about it, so
> >what i need is a photopopper circuit that uses one motor, and
> >reverses it instaed of using another motor...I know what your
> >thinking...
> >bicore head
> yep, bicores are beautifull ....
> but oke, I actually don't know what a photopopper is, except for that is
> has two motors. If I understand it right you want to change the cicuit so
> that it uses one motor instead and uses the connections which were used
> the originally two motors to forward and reverse this one motor, am I
> well, why don't you put a H-bridge in place of the two motors, I mean:
> connect the wires, which were connected to the two motors to the inputs
> the H-bridge. Then you have two wires left (the ones which were to be
> connected to the other sides of the two motors), which were hopefully
> then again, I don't know the circuit of the photopopper) Vcc or 0V, since
> then you can just leave those (read: connect them to the Vcc or 0V of the
> H-bridge)
> Well, this probably doesn't work (for all sorts of solar-specific
> but maybe it makes you get an idea or so ...
> >but due to the complexity (actual bicore, motor driver, PM1 SE) i'd
> >rather use something simpler. Any ideas? By the way it must have
> >tactile sensors.
> You can connect tacticle sensors to a bicore as wel.
> Wouter Brok

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