Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03033
Date: Tue, 5 May 1992 16:10:15 +0000
Subject: [alt-beam] yet more questions...
okay then first parts substitution...
what can i replace with the 2N7000 mosfet and the 1N4001 diode?
Can anyone see anything wrong with the following 5core setup
The first 3 run the motors, in reverse if it bumps into anything
(how can i do this to the two steering neurons?)
The last two control the direction of the steering motor, the one
with more resistance on the bias from a CDS cell lasts longer and
turns more towards that CDS cell.
What sort of cap should this walker use to power itself (four motors)
with around 4 solar cells (22x33mm), will the 1farad one from
solarbotics be adequete?
Next, how do you set up a reverser? Remember its for a beam snake...
This snake is going to kick but, so far it will
-Dual microcore, runs at night thanks to D1 SE
-Its also a cricket...
-Soon to have a reverser and be phototropic
sorry to hit you with so much at once,
David Perry
I'm sure David sinceraly apologises if he
insulted anyone, it won't happen again.
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