Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03030

From: Wouter Brok
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 09:56:09 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: my beam snake...

Hello David,

>okay, since i have little experience with bicores, it looks as if im
>using SE's for my snake bot...
>But theres one problem, the steering mechanism i planned would use a
>photopopper circuit, but that won't work when you think about it, so
>what i need is a photopopper circuit that uses one motor, and
>reverses it instaed of using another motor...I know what your
>bicore head

yep, bicores are beautifull ....

but oke, I actually don't know what a photopopper is, except for that is
has two motors. If I understand it right you want to change the cicuit so
that it uses one motor instead and uses the connections which were used for
the originally two motors to forward and reverse this one motor, am I right?

well, why don't you put a H-bridge in place of the two motors, I mean:
connect the wires, which were connected to the two motors to the inputs of
the H-bridge. Then you have two wires left (the ones which were to be
connected to the other sides of the two motors), which were hopefully (but
then again, I don't know the circuit of the photopopper) Vcc or 0V, since
then you can just leave those (read: connect them to the Vcc or 0V of the

Well, this probably doesn't work (for all sorts of solar-specific reasons),
but maybe it makes you get an idea or so ...

>but due to the complexity (actual bicore, motor driver, PM1 SE) i'd
>rather use something simpler. Any ideas? By the way it must have
>tactile sensors.
You can connect tacticle sensors to a bicore as wel.

Wouter Brok

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