Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02988
To: "NSX -"
From: "Hyndman"
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 11:40:39 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Mark T head mechanism
>i thought thats the thing that every beamer should help each other >solve
a problem just like dave knowing everything and wouldnt >even share a
I think you should be glad that people actually help you. It's not our job
to answer all your questions, we're doing this out of our own time. Also
(No offence Dave, I'm sure you'll agree with me) but Dave doesn't know
>dont u think that is selfish and not a part of beam...
Ignorance is your problem here, Dave sure as hell isn't selfish, and where
did you get the idea that he hasn't shared any of it. I and I'm sure a lot
of people would stand up (Including Ian, but he's not here to respond) that
Dave has helped them greatly. Not to forget all the other great people, who
I've met and helped me which is too long to list.
>well at least mark T try to explain a lil of what he knows to >me...but
just that i cant get to him recently and he said the mailing >list should
help....whats that all about that u post something >without respond not
even dave..i know he knows it but he just >keeps it to himself
Watch what words your putting into other peoples mouths.
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