Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02977
To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 09:12:53 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Multiple Inputs for Nv neurons
>1) Does anyone know of a product that you could seal a container with, for
>instance a plastic container with a circuit inside? So you could put the
>circuit for your amphibious walker inside, then seal it and never have to
>worry about water leaking in?
How Big? I build loads of aqua robots and I have found that the best way is
to get yourself some clear sillicon sealent and mould it arround your robots
frame (I like to make a clay cast for this). It is clear so your solar
panels/light sensors can also go inside, it is flexable so you can build
your robot with kinda musels inside and it will move like a
fish/ray/jellyfish... etc... (insert your creature here) makes your robot
near indestructable, well almost. The only problem is that if anything goes
wrong or you want to make a change you have to perform "Robot surgery" on
cna cut it open with a scaple. Then your left with a big scar down your
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