Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02954

To: Richard Piotter
From: "George Rix"
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 21:59:37 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Multiple Inputs for Nv neurons

Thanks Richard! This means that I'm going to be able to go ahead with this
project after all. Anyhow, more details later,
Signing off,
Rob Rix
Newsflash! A scientific report has just come in from Montreal stating that
humans are unpredictable and volatile. If you spot them contact the local
authorities. Do not attempt to approach them, as they may blame you for
making crop circles and fire high-speed explosive shells at you. Take care!

> A web... Try looking at the interconnections in lobster. Even though
> there are two loops, they are attached in a "webby" layout, and that
> alone is cool (even if Mark T himself said Lobster realy was a
> disapointment performance wise). I don't necesarily use loops. MECI IV M
> and Spyder both use chains of Nvs. I have a lot of other ideas, but have
> not actualy done anything. Spyder is my curent project. I'll be working
> on MECI IV M next, and then maybe throw some turbot and head action into
> the mix! :)

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