Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02901
To: Evan Dudzik,
From: Dennison
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 20:33:52 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: let me be clearer (was stuff)
Oh, now I get it. Your hung up on the symbol's that depict the motor drivers
which are actually logic buffers. They don't actually work like arrows. The
"In side" of the Buffer is mearly control, the 'out' side is beefed up 'in'.
If you change the DIR pin, then the 'arrows' point the other way. And
everything else stays the same. It's a little confusing, but hey.
if thats not what you mean either, ok, try again!
>okay, re-explanation.
>check the pinout of the chip... notice the DIR pin, which you normally
>tie to +? (maybe GROUND, I don't remember) In the walker schematic at
>andrew millers walker page (is that the person??? memory loss...) it
>says to tie the DIR pin to + (GND?) and the little things will face one
>way. release it from + (GND?) and they should face the other way. I
>wouldnt be using them both ways... maybe an XOR thing to control the
>DIR? my main question was whether both of these would work:
> (Normal) ____
> |\ / \
>-| \0--------| M |----------
> | / | |
> |/ \____/
> (Other) ____
> / \ |\
> --------| M |-----------| \
> | | | /0-----
> \____/ |/
>A little clearer??? what I want is to know if the little things work in
>series on the OPPOSITE side of the motor... if so why not use the DIR
>pin and put it to use!!!
>Do You Yahoo!?
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