Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02897
To: Pam Farrar,
From: Dennison
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 18:21:33 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: stuff
Ok, I'm not sure what your saying but I think I do. Your idea is a novel
one, but it won't work. You can only use the drivers in one direction at a
time. I never even checked if the 245 was bidirectional, although I have a
hinting that it is. Eitherway, it only works one way at a time, so you can't
just magically 'double' the drivers in the chip. I know you wish you could,
but ya' can't.
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>Okay, dumb question. I forget the difference between NPN and PNP
>transistors. Also, couldn't you use the direction pin of a 74HC245 to
>choose the direction of the drivers, i mean why use 4 for one way and 4 the
>other when you can add some simple modifications to the circuit and have
>drivers for each direction? The only thing I can think of is maybe the
>drivers have to be on a certain side of the motor relative to the power
>supply... you know, the arrows that are the representations of the
>inverters or whatever in the chip, can they be facing away from the motor
>well as at it? I dunno, i hope you can understand my ramblings
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