Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02811

To: Bob Shannon
From: Bob Shannon
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 19:34:45 -0700
Subject: Re: Contest!!!!

When only code travels, the affair boils down to a programming
contest. In which case, you might as well use a simulator. And that
would indeed be a useless exercise.

> I wonder what the average construction costs were for enteries
> onto Chiu's last photovore contest? What does human travel costs
> have to do with the entry fee? We dont pay any fee now do we?

The Easter Egg Hunt would be a very different kind of contest. The
advantages have already been pointed out, and there is a price to
pay. It seems rather modest to me.
Obviously, there ought to be a contest for those who have just
discovered this hobby, and Chiu's setup is well-aimed at that
group. But I think that a next, task-oriented level would make BEAM
more attractive for all, not just for those who'd actually
participate in the Easter Egg Hunt.

> On the other hand, an entery fee may also raise the level of the
> prizes a bit!

Fat prizes will have to wait for big sponsors, I'm afraid. And they
won't be there until the contest attracts a wider audience.



# # Steven Bolt # popular science monthly KIJK #

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