Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02802

To: Steven Bolt
From: Bob Shannon
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 07:57:14 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Arena-bots, was Contest!!!!

Steven Bolt wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Bob Shannon wrote:
> [ `arena' ]
> > > So you own the word `arena'? I guess I shouldn't be surprised,
> > > since my publisher managed to trademark `Yes'.
> >
> > Not at all Steven. I hold no trademark at all, I'm simply asking out
> > of respect that scince this new form of competitive robotic evolution is
> > distinct from the BEAM list, that it be allowed its unique identity.
> According to my dictionary:
> arena - any scene of competition or struggle. The ~ of politics.
> You added the capital first letter only yesterday, so forgive me for
> not realizing that it is the name of your project.

No problem Steven.

When I originally thought of this idea, I thought the BEAM list would be
the right place for it. After discussing it here, I now see things

So please understand that this is a rapidly evolving idea and plan.

> > Some people are rather put-off by some of the more commercial
> > aspects of the BEAM world. In response to this, Arena-bot
> > comptition and distribution will adopt a very different approach
> > and philosophy.
> Allow me to quote from your earlier posting:
> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 07:25:33 -0700
> From: Bob Shannon
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Contest and Arena group
> ---8<---
> In all probability there will be two different 'standard platform'
> kits, for three or more different competitive events. The target
> kit cost is under $100 with a very simple programmer included.
> ---8---
> To me those look like commercial kits, designed around a type of
> contest to sell more of them. And that's fine; I have no objections
> at all. But I'd like to see a contest which encourages innovation on
> the mechanical and sensor fronts. Standard hardware would turn it
> into a programming contest - might as well use a simulator then,
> imho.

The idea of the kits has been clearly explained. They are to promote
rapid evolution of small robot behaviors.

While the kits must be sold commercially, the Arena-bot plans to date
are designed to allow, and even promote small ventures by its advocates.
That is, we will not stop the publication of newsletters over copyright
issues, etc.

As already discussed, new body designs can compete against the standard
modifed kits so that the body will evolve as well as the brain.

If you think simulators are the way to go, please feel free to use
Personally I have no use for simulations.

> > > so the minimum entrance fee would perhaps be $30.
> >
> > I think that would be a barrier for some people on the list.
> It's modest when compared to the cost of human travel, even within
> one's own country.

I wonder what the average construction costs were for enteries onto
last photovore contest? What does human travel costs have to do with
entry fee? We dont pay any fee now do we?

In light of past discussions on how beginners might fund their BEAM
hobby, I
think that the cost factor may limit participation to some degree, but I
guess at how much.

On the other hand, an entery fee may also raise the level of the prizes
a bit!

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