Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02721
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:23:54 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Flying BEAMers?
Being a avid RC glider guider you may not be aware but there is a class
mainly in Europe
micro RC gliders about 300 to 600 mm wingspan launched with solid fuel
rockets(jetex i think) from a pole
Im sure that a solar powered Variometer triggering a turn when the altitude
increases could be viable
beam technology
(as long as it only activated after the launch phase (tilt
switch, timer?))
I remember that ther was a mention some years ago of a Flash Variometer
( RCME August 1979 though ive never been
able to get hold of the article in question
if anyone has it Id be very greatful)
that by flashing gave the pilot an indication of lift at which point he
could initiate a turn and try to centre on the thermal.
Rob D
aka "Powerbuilder"
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