Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02689

To: "John A. deVries II", Sean Rigter,
From: Dennison
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:00:31 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Bicore head targeting?

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I found out from dave that the controll system for his and Mark T's Heads a=
re not Bicores. They use some other "poppernets" or something like that to =
control things. So that brings me back to bicores, how does one tell if the=
bicore has 'targeted' something? You should be able to compare pulse durra=
tions, when the pulse durrations are equal in length you know that the head=
has 'locked on' and is no longer in motion. But how to compare these pulse=
's is the question. My first Idea was to connect both outputs in some fashi=
on to the +v or gnd side of a sizable cap. The idea goes that, while one ou=
tput charges the cap, the other output discarges. When the pulse durations =
are equal, then in theory the average net change in voltage across the cap =
should be zero. That would mean that at any other point, when the avereage =
net change was a positive value, the head was still in motion. I know it's =
confusing, but think about what would happen if the cap was being charged a=
nd discharged.


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tion. =

I know it's confusing, but think about what would happen if the cap was bei=
ng =

charged and discharged.


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