Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02666

To: beam
From: mike vidal []
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 17:03:42 -0700
Subject: renewed BEAMer

hello everyone,
my name is miguel vidal i am an engineering student at florida
atlantic university (ocean engineering.) along time ago in a computer
very far out dated i was a part of this list some of you long timers
may remember me with delusions of greatness and chicken legged walkers
and such. now though i have calmed down a bit and i am interested in
rejoining the ranks of BEAMers, so here i am.
a few silly question along with my introduction if you don't mind : )

- first at the local radio shack they have 74hct14 hex inverting
schmitt triggers, are these usable in place of the recommended 74c14?

- next back 2 years ago when i was working with BEAM bots MPJA offered
a little gearhead motor in limited quantity when they cam out i bought
a few of them (8 i think) i dont what the exact name or voltage
requierments the were so if anyone remebers what i am talking about let
me know of there specs and how useful they are for a walker.

heres a little discription maybe to jog your memories it was sometime
ago they were sold.
:small motor ~.5in even smaller gear head ~5/16in
:gear head has brass and steel peices, two philp screws hold the gear
head to the motor
:high torque low revolutions
:a real top quality unit i think they sold for $5

i would real like to use them so if anyone does know the motor let me
know, thanks

-finaly (i know i am rambling at this point sorry) on the FAQ while
discussing hextile boards there were referances to them being sold;

cheapest of them costs between three and nine dollars per single board>

where can i find one of these? if anyone has one they bought and
desided the bought one too many and is looking to get rid of it please
email me!

thanks, sorry for the rabling

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