Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02636

From: Michael Ciftci
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 11:53:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] soldering question

hey all (me again),

I have a 75 watt soldering iron (the pistol type) but I cant get it to
solder anything together. i need some type of soldering iron that can
solder large pieces together (i.e. caps to caps, caps to frames, all
kinds of big stuff like that)

the dang thing wont even get hot enough to solder electronic components
together. It is a 75 watt popular mechanics soldering iron. I have
another much smaller 35 watt popular mechanics soldering iron that
works great for small electronic things but not good for the big stuff
that I need put together.

i have already returned one that was the same exact type. it did the
same thing so either that whole line of soldering irons are bad or I am
making a mistake

please help.

mike ciftci
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