Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02618
From: Dennison
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:40:12 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: List Assitance, Electronics tutoring? PNC problems.
Well, keep in mind the purpose of this list is supposidly to discuss BEAM.
The list was a very helpfull place a while ago, where some of the old BEAM
gods would help you along if you needed it. However it really did quickly
become soley a "why won't it work list". And when people come on asking the
same probelms over and over again, seemingly without doing much background
work on their own part, people got annoyed, and tired of answering "how do I
make a walker" questions. So the BEAM god's left. People can't really just
keep answering the same questions over and over, especially when _there are_
reasources avaible for people that they don't take advantage of. The list
quickly turned basic. And there isn't very much advanced type talk going on.
Also keep in mind it's hard to diagnose and fix problems when all we get is
a vague e-mail. Also it takes time to answer "how do i" e-mails, time which
many just may not have. When I check my mail, I just grab the interesting
sounding ones and move on. I don't have time ot sort through everything.
But, se va'
Happy beaming!
>> Few days ago I wrote an e-mail about my PNC problems. I got only one
>> but nothing constructive. The author of the leter treated me like
>> ignorant who doesent know anything about electronics. And this is suppose
>> be an educational mailing list! ANYONE who can help me please reply. I
>> managed to go around the problem and designed my own PNC solution but I
>> whant to know what was wrong with the previous circuit. Heres a copy of
>> previous e-mail:
>I have to say that I have also seen a deteriation of help on this list. It
>more commertial now, I'm selling this, I'm selling that, which really
>bother me if you are selling something because i like to hear about this
>stuff two but I see that maybe 1 out of 10 messages are anwered nicely and
>thoroughly. Sure alot of them are newbie questions but just kindly redirect
>them to the solution. I dont answer as many e-mails as i should, but I'm
>exacly an expert here. And just a little hint to people that do choose to
>questions, PLEASE DONT MAKE YOUR MESSAGES TO LONG, that is one of the mail
>resons I dont answer them is because you dont get to the point.
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