Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02616

Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:03:22 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: PNC problems.

In a message dated 4/24/99 1:52:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Few days ago I wrote an e-mail about my PNC problems. I got only one leter
> but nothing constructive. The author of the leter treated me like complete
> ignorant who doesent know anything about electronics. And this is suppose
> be an educational mailing list! ANYONE who can help me please reply. I
> managed to go around the problem and designed my own PNC solution but I
> whant to know what was wrong with the previous circuit. Heres a copy of my
> previous e-mail:

I have to say that I have also seen a deteriation of help on this list. It is
more commertial now, I'm selling this, I'm selling that, which really doesnt
bother me if you are selling something because i like to hear about this
stuff two but I see that maybe 1 out of 10 messages are anwered nicely and
thoroughly. Sure alot of them are newbie questions but just kindly redirect
them to the solution. I dont answer as many e-mails as i should, but I'm not
exacly an expert here. And just a little hint to people that do choose to ask
questions, PLEASE DONT MAKE YOUR MESSAGES TO LONG, that is one of the mail
resons I dont answer them is because you dont get to the point.


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