Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02611

From: Terry Newton
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 09:28:54
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Circuit test thing

At 05:04 PM 4/23/99 PDT, "Ken Sharp" wrote:
>Does anyone know of program that you could put in transistors, and
>LEDS and diodes, And gates, nor gates, resistors (and so on and so
>forth) and you could test it, and see if it would work, ON your
>computer? I don't know if something like this excists, but it would
>help Me out a lot. Anybody know of one?

A very good usable (free) demo (for Windows) is SIMetrics Intro,
available from

It does analog and digital, but to simulate a '14 I had to tinker
with spice definitions. Email me if you need that. Bicores do
fine with the included '04 definition but microcores need the
high/low trigger points provided by a '14 to keep going.

Terry Newton

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