Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02570
To: "BEAM Mail"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:25:52 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Suffering for our art
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I just had a look at the really cool bot at =
(Great bot Justin)
Anyway, I didn't know it was possible to cut and break and solder up solar =
cells the way Justin had. I was thinking that it offers great opportunitie=
s for the aesthetics side of beam. Just imagine a magbot butterfly with th=
e wings made out of cut and shaped pieces of solar panel. Put the supporti=
ng base on the balance point of the wings and the body would move up and do=
wn and the weight of the wings would not be a factor. I think this design=
would be beautiful.
Looking front on.
Left Wing OO Right Wing
____________________ OOOO _____________________
Pivot point -| OO |-Pivot point
| Butterfly Body |
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
Support \ /
Oh, BTW, this is my first attempt at ascii art.
I will have to have a go at building it, I just worry about chopping up =
perfectly good solar panels, Well I guess we all have to suffer for our ar=
t {;-)
Blue Skies
I didn't just kiss death, I slipped it the tongue! =
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(Great bot Justin)
Anyway, I didn't know it was possible to cut and break =
and =
solder up solar cells the way Justin had. I was thinking that it offe=
rs =
great opportunities for the aesthetics side of beam. Just imagin=
e a =
magbot butterfly with the wings made out of cut and shaped pieces of solar =
panel. Put the supporting base on the balance point of the =
wings =
and the body would move up and down and the weight of the wings would not b=
e a =
factor. I think this design would be beautiful.
Looking front on.
Left =
Wing OO &nb=
sp; =
Right Wing
____________________ OOOO =
Pivot =
point -| OO =
|-Pivot point
| Butterfly =
Body |
size=3D2> =
\ &n=
bsp; /
size=3D2> =
\ &n=
bsp; /
size=3D2> =
\ /
size=3D2> =
\ &n=
bsp; =
size=3D2> Suppor=
t \ /
size=3D2> =
size=3D2> =
face=3DCourier>  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=