Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02565

From: "Jakub Pietracha"
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 23:52:44 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] PNC problems.

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To all of you around the world. Help !!!

I am a beginer in BEAM. I've just built my thirst BEAM bot - a two motor wa=
lker driven by a microcore of four neurons. And as you might expected I hav=
e a problem with it. The microcore worked for the thirst time and the walke=
r walked perfectly but when I conected the PNC my problems begun. I've buil=
t my PNC this whay:

|| 2,2M ohm resistor
| signal diode
------inverter----|>|------ PIN 1
=3D 2,2 uF electro capacitor

It did something like this: at power up when the output of the PNC was high=
two pulses were runing around the net and when it turned low two neurons s=
tayed high. When I changed the polarisation of the diode at power up two ne=
urons stayed high until the output turned low and then two pulses started r=
uning around the microcore.

I've tryted everything: duble checked all components, used new ones, I've c=
hecked all the conections, replaced the IC (74HC14), played with polarisati=
on of the diode and capacitor, tyed conecting C to gnd and R to vcc (in thi=
s configuration at power up the output was low and then turned high), remov=
ed all of the flux from the PCB but nothing helped. I've also tryed all typ=
es of diodes that I hapened to have in my part box but they all had the sam=
e efect. The timing is also not the problem I've used capacitors up to 100u=
F and resistors up to 5 M ohms. I just dont have any clue what could go wro=
ng. I am rother advanced in electonics but it is the thirst time I am whour=
king with a microcore and I am realy confused.

Afthur some time I've built completly new microcore and PNC from new compon=
ents and a new PCB and even that didnt helped. Can anyone tel me what's wro=
ng with it? <:o)

Afthur some time I got fed up with that PNC design and decided to find my o=
wn solution:

=3D 2,2uF electro |
| |<---
-----inverter-----------| PNP transistor
| |----------------------------ex. pin 1
|| 2,2 M ohm =


It whourks but I steel dont know why I had the problems with the previous c=

Jakub Pietracha

Please excuse my english it is not my native lenguage and I dont use it as =
often as I would like to. Sory for all the mistakes.

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signal diode
------inverter----|>|------ PIN 1


=3D 2,2 uF electro capacitor




It did something like this: at power up=
when the =

output of the PNC was high two pulses were runing around the net and when i=
t =

turned low two neurons stayed high. When I changed the polarisation of the =
diode =

at power up two neurons stayed high until the output turned low and then tw=
o =

pulses started runing around the microcore.


I've tryted everything: duble checked a=
ll =

components, used new ones, I've checked all the conections, replaced the IC=

(74HC14), played with polarisation of the diode and capacitor, tyed conecti=
ng C =

to gnd and R to vcc (in this configuration at power up the output was low a=
nd =

then turned high), removed all of the flux from the PCB but nothing helped.=
I've =

also tr
yed all types of diodes that =

hapened to have in my part box but =
they all =

had the same efect. The timing is also not the problem I've used capacitors=
up =

to 100uF and resistors up to 5 M ohms. I just dont have any clue what could=
go =

wrong. I am rother advanced in electonics but it is the thirst time I am =

whourking with a microcore and I am realy confused.


Afthur some time I've built completly new microcore and=

from new components and a new PCB and even that didnt helped. Can anyone te=
l me =

what's wrong with it? <:o)


Afthur some time I got fed up with that PNC design and =

to find my own solution:




=3D 2,2uF =

electro          |

size=3D2>|           =
;            &n=
bsp;  =


-----inverter-----------|   PNP =


size=3D2>|           =
;            &n=
bsp;  =

|----------------------------ex. pin 1


|| 2,2 M ohm




It whourks but I steel dont know why I =
had the =

problems with the previous
c ONT =

color=3D#000000 size=3D2>ircuit.


Jakub Pietracha




Please excuse my english it is not my native lenguage a=
nd I =

dont use it as often as I would like to. Sory for all the mistakes.

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