Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02559

From: Jaroslav 'Lord Slayer' Pelan
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 10:22:02 -0700
Subject: Stiquito TM

> Hello,
> i did some browsing and I found an interresting book called
> 'Stiquito(tm): Advanced Experiments with a Simple and Inexpensive
> Robot' (check out think that Mr Tilden has his
> own chapter in this book. The book contains a kit too. (although it's
> mostly just the mechanic parts.) I think it's cool, but i don't have
> spare 45 U$ (i'll rather get some solarcells first). A muscle-wire
> robot - hmmm, seems interresting. I've read, that something like
> that was used in Pathfinder. People, are there some resources on
> how to make a bot like that? There was a discussion on SMAs
> here. Would'n it be nice to have a bot without e-motors? Have
> someone tried to attach the ucore to a thing like that? Is it able to
> walk backwards ( i think it isn't -or it's not that difficult as it seems
> to me)?
> Well, thats enough for now.
> JP
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