Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02532

From: "Jaroslav 'Lord Slayer' Pelan"
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 17:37:13 MET-1MEST
Subject: [alt-beam] Beam resource CD

Hello list,
recently i've read something about some Beam resource CD-ROM.
I think it would be great to have all (well, almost all would be
enough) the great sites on one cute little CD-ROM. With a price
policy 'medium+making costs' i'd like to have one like that. Of
course the sites shouldn't be grabbed and 'burned-in' without
owner's permission. Also datafiles of parts might be useful. There
could be also videos,more pictures, etc. It's only a dream, but if it
came true I'd ... (use your imagination here). I spend a lot of time
by searching things like that on the web. This is bad beceause i
browse in school ( :-o ). but not so bad that i would stop ;-)
i'm sorry for any abusing of the English language.

Have a nive whatever you have now.
And now something completely different ...

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