Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02526
To: BEAM List
From: George Rix
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 13:26:19 +0800
Subject: Stepper Motors (yeah, again =)
> Hey, all!
> I was wondering how you hook up a Stepper Motor so you can run it from a
> battery. I was wondering this because I have an unending supply of them,
> it would be nice to know how to get them to work so that I can hook them
> to my Bicores. I read those posts on how to connect your stepper motor to
> your microcore, but I understood precisely nothing of it, and since also I
> can't get microcores to work, just bicores, I figured it might be good to
> ask.
> I have about twenty stepper motors here, and have yet to find any two that
> match, but it shouldn't be long, because I'm supposed to get a good deal
> more in the near future.
> Also, what makes stepper motors different from your normal DC motors. Are
> they more efficient? Do they have more torque or speed? Is there a special
> circuit in them that makes them go like lightning? Or what? I was just
> wondering the reason for having anywhere from four to sixteen wires coming
> out of them. Weird.
> Anyhow, thanks in advance,
> Signing off,
> Rob Rix
> 'I guess I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue' - from Airplane
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