Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02524

To: "Robert McIntosh"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 12:54:02 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: 1381's


> Ask them what they do?
> Where did you find them?

I am in Brisbane, I asked the guy about them and he didn't have
much of a clue, like me!
I found them in a place called Economic Electronics here in Brisy, ph 07
3252 7466. I was just calling around trying to find parts, (I let my
fingers do the walking, yellow pages and a company phone :) ).

> Look in the datasheet on one of the BEAM sites ?? possibly Solarbotics
> or Ian Bernstein's.
> I doubt you have the right thing since I have spoken to Panasonic in
> Belrose, Sydney and they have no interest whatsoever in importing them.
> Isn't Ben Hitchcock's alternative better?

What alternative?? The 1 he used in ALF?

> You were asking about 2n3904 etcetera. I think he has an explanation on
> his site. Steven Bolt explained recently that they were inappropriate
> anyway because of their max. current. I wouldn't hang on every detail.

What are inappropriate?

> I did and have learnt a lot searching for the USA parts only to find in
> the end that they are not crucial.
> Have you been to Jaycar? They actually have some knowledge.

What is Jaycar?

You are in Melbourne aren't you? Have you seen in
> Sydney? ?

No, I am in Brisy and have been interested for about 3 weeks now and I have
what I remember from High school electronics about 12 years ago. I got 8
solar cells from robotoz, parts from inside an old vcr, old computer, 20 old
pagers(17 working motors), 2harddisk's and 3floppydrives
Just bought my first multimeter!

> Rob

Thanks and Blue Skies

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