Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02522

To: "Ben Hitchcock"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:51:51 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: IR photodiodes in Mouses (Mice?)

> I pulled apart an amiga mouse and tried to get the photodiodes to work.
> Here's what I found:
> The transmitter is coloured pink, has two leads, and operates above 0.5

Yep. I pulled apart a mouse recently too and this is the same, 4 total in
the mouse
> The receiver is clear, has three leads, and consumes about 5 mA at 5
> The receiver is pretty special: it appears as if there is a bit of logic
> inside it: It outputs a clear high/low signal depending on whether the
> transmitter is in range or not. There is no analog levels, just a digital
> high/low.
Mine is different :- 4 of them again, Clear with 2 leads and I think similar
to a normal photodiode, same as the 1's you used in alf?

Blue Skies

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