Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02501
To: Bob Shannon, Steven Bolt
From: Dennison
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 21:41:14 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: CPU again?
Just because CPU's aren't in the so called 'mission statement' of this
e-mail list, that doesn't rule them out as being topics of dicussion. You
can do some pretty neat things with CPU's and a Cap. A lengthy discussion
about how to solarize a Basic Stamp is perfectly acceptable on the list.
Sure, something like AI subroutines just don't have a place, but otherwise,
I don't see why we can't include uC's into the conversation.
>> > If BEAM is a philosophy, then how we implement that philosophy
>> > should not matter one bit.
>> >> That's true. Afaik uC-controlled `bots are welcome at the Games.
>Ok, just not on the list. Understood.
>End of subject.
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