Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02492

To: Salem Smith
From: Steven Bolt
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 19:43:24 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: SE help

On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Salem Smith wrote:

> Hi list,
> Sorry to be a bother but I seem to have run out of ideas. I have
> a FLED SE and it seems to work but the motor doesn't turn it just
> kind of twitches. The motor is from a walkman, so I don't know
> if it is the motor or the SE. I have changed the 2.2k resistor
> and it didn't help. But I have changed motors and it is still a
> problem. thanks for the help.

About halfway through:

Linkname: BEAM Robotics Tek - solar engine

You'll find this bit:

Basic Debugging

Q: Is there a way to debug one of the 2-transistor/1 FLED Solar

A: (contributed by Richard Weait and Dave Hrynkiw)
* Check that your components are in the holes that they started in
(especially if you share your lab with other lifeforms.)
* Check that they are in the holes that they are in. Breadboards
can have reliability problems.
* Vcap < 1.0 Vdc?
+ Check V (solarcell-open circuit)
+ Check NPN and motor.
* Vcap climbs to V solarcell but no trigger?
+ Check connection to transistors
+ Check LED and PNP.
* Vcap climbs and drops, motor doesn't move?
+ Check motor shaft / efficiency.
* If you can see the FLED blinking, that means something's not
right. Sounds like it may be in backwards. Cathode goes negative
(the shorter leg, or the one closest to the chamfer on the side
of the lip on the FLED). It could also be an indication of
power-hungry motor - try an efficient motor, like a pager motor.

Try following point by point and see how far you get. If you get
stuck, post again reporting those voltages and other circuit
reactions, type/size of solar panel, storage cap, and transistors.
Your present data makes diagnosis a tad difficult :)



# # Steven Bolt # popular science monthly KIJK #

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