Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02489

To: BEAM List
From: "George Rix"
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 12:20:34 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Stepper Motors (yeah, again =)

Hey, all!
I was wondering how you hook up a Stepper Motor so you can run it from a
battery. I was wondering this because I have an unending supply of them, and
it would be nice to know how to get them to work so that I can hook them up
to my Bicores. I read those posts on how to connect your stepper motor to
your microcore, but I understood precisely nothing of it, and since also I
can't get microcores to work, just bicores, I figured it might be good to
I have about twenty stepper motors here, and have yet to find any two that
match, but it shouldn't be long, because I'm supposed to get a good deal
more in the near future.
Also, what makes stepper motors different from your normal DC motors. Are
they more efficient? Do they have more torque or speed? Is there a special
circuit in them that makes them go like lightning? Or what? I was just
wondering the reason for having anywhere from four to sixteen wires coming
out of them. Weird.
Anyhow, thanks in advance,
Signing off,
Rob Rix
'I guess I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue' - from Airplane

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