Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02487

To: Nicholas Smith
From: "George Rix"
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 11:16:55 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Beam genome - Stop talking, Start working!

> Dave Hrynkin wrote "All I'm saying is there's no need for this project when
> things are quite adequate the way they are now." I dissagree. I think BEAM
> will evolve much faster if BEAMers are not sitting arround in there
> workshops "re-inventing the wheel". Looking at what other people have done
> and how they solved problems is a great way of speeding up the BEAM learning
> curve. Anyone?
I have avoided taking part in this discussion mostly because I didn't
understand anything at all in it (something which worries and even
embarrasses me), but in this instance I'll add my thoughts.
If we could get the information properly on such a time-line sort of thing,
we could advance BEAM building much more quickly. So, in other words, I
think you're right.
For instance, I'd like to see information on how Stryder, Spyder, Walkman
and SnakeBot were made, not so I can make my own copies of them, but so I
could advance my knowledge, and try to build something even cooler. If that
info was out where we could get at it, some people would try to make copies
of the bots, but that's all right, and some people learn best by doing, not
just reading.
Anyhow, not sure that this is really relevant to the topic, (not sure I
care, either) but it's an opinion, and it's mine, so,
Signing off,
Rob Rix
'I guess I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue' - from Airplane

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