Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02464

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 13:22:16 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Structured approach / genome, was: Clarification

> > Now we are talking about rules against CPUs? What the heck is this?
> Quoting the words of the list owner (mailed to you when you joined):
> 3.If someone e-mail a non-related topic, please move
> the discussion off-line.
> Reason: There are a ton of places to talk about CPU
> based machine s, R/C machines and CPU based robots.
> But this is the only BEAM discussion
> list, of which I am aware.
> How you want to interpret that is up to you.

Ah, but did you read NUMBER 2!!!!

2.Try to keep on the Topic of BEAM robotics.
It is a really wide topic. It includes, but is not limited
BEAM Solar Engines - one 'neuron'
Nervous Networks - microcore, bicore, etc.
NOTE: ---> CPU Interfaces to Nervous Networks <---
Robotics Event announcements

RIGHT THERE, in the list guidlines, CPUs interfaced to Nervous networks
DOES fall under the BEAM list guidelines, If you disagree, you're wrong.
READ the ENTIRE BEAM list guidelines. CPU only bots may be shunned, but
I think that there is one point we are missing: If someone Emulates a
Nervous network, I think we deserve to hear it, and know how well (or
not) it runs. I count that as the ultimate interfacing of a CPU and a
nrrvous network. There you do have your right to an opinion, but I think
it'd be suplimental to BEAM to try emulating Nv nets and compare them to
real ones. That's just my own personal opinion. You have the right to
your own there, but DON'T say ANY CPU has no place on the list, cause
according to rule 2, that's simply not true.

Richard Piotter

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