Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02460
To: Bob Shannon
From: Steven Bolt
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 07:45:40 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Structured approach / genome, was: Clarification
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Bob Shannon wrote:
> > While that would be nice, it also tends to make BEAM more heavily
> > depend on Mark's library of circuits and mechanical concepts. I'm
> > strongly in favour of the "no programmable devices" rule for the
> > mailing list and the accent on solar power in general.
> First we see a problem in becomming too dependant on Mark's liberary
> of concepts, but then endorse a "rule" against technology originally
> shunned by the 'big god'?
There are many other newsgroups and mailing lists which cater for
the uC/computer crowd. the BEAM list is intended for those who've just
discovered the mechatronical world, and needs to maintain that
focus. Enough said, I hope.
> BEAM itself does not limit itself to solar power, why should the list?
There is an *accent* on solar power. Is my English that bad?
> Is there any valid reason why this list could not coexist with a common
> development platform for small (even solar powered) robots using the
> minimalist approach this is common to BEAM philosophy?
If it's to be uC controlled, coexistence is fine, but imho it doesn't
belong on the list.
> Is BEAM really becomming this much of a clique?
Oh, come on. What have I done to deserve this flame bait?
> > They are required to maintain focus. But putting all weight on
> > Nervous Nets, Bicores and so on has imho the same disadvantage
> > as the recently proposed structure of standard brains and body
> > parts. What you get is a structure without purpose, which will
> > be perceived as a hollow facade.
> Can you justifiy this opinion? Is there some reason that being able to
> exchange and test sets of behaviors on a common chassis, or being able
> to compare different mechanical innovations objectivly must yeid
> structure without purpose?
I said "perceived as," as opposed to "intended as." Please, do go
ahead with your standardized modular robot. I'll be interested, but
not a participant, and I predict that if a contest is limited to
these devices, it will fade into almost immediate oblivion as far
as this list is concerned. (That's the best I can do for you; my
predictions aren't usually correct ;)
> Now we are talking about rules against CPUs? What the heck is this?
Quoting the words of the list owner (mailed to you when you joined):
3.If someone e-mail a non-related topic, please move
the discussion off-line.
Reason: There are a ton of places to talk about CPU
based machine s, R/C machines and CPU based robots.
But this is the only BEAM discussion
list, of which I am aware.
How you want to interpret that is up to you.
> > In these arena's, excluding programmables would be considered weak,
> > and I don't think it's necessary. The arena should merely restrict the
> > size of the `bots and provide them with an environment where cheap and
> > simple sensors are sufficient.
> Ahh, I was under the impression that Steven thought that sensors
> were a major area needed innovation? Please forgive my saying
> so, but this sounds like doublespeak.
Much innovation is possible without raising the investment in
dollars and time to the TVcamera level.
> I think that pure BEAM fans can only gain from seeing the results
> of such a common platform approach, and working to implement the
> more interesting behavior sets in hardwired controllers. I would
> have thought that the cross pollenization would benifit both
> design philosophies.
I would like to define just the arenas and tasks, and not exclude
any `bot that fits. So your common platform could have a go and
prove itself superior - or not, as the case may be. What are you
harping about?
# # Steven Bolt # popular science monthly KIJK #
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