Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02433
To: "'Richard Weait'"
From: Wilf Rigter
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 12:39:26 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Beam genome - waste of time....
Hello Richard,
A blast from the past! I do believe this is the first time I have heard from
you (virtually speaking) on this list.
I am not sure that your symbols are an issue with respect to the genome but
they are related. I guess that once a Beam "function", such as a +Nv is
defined and a symbol is assigned, this would become something like a gene
and give an elegant and compact form of notation for describing the logic
(genetic code) of more complex networks. If these "function/genes" were
available as modular circuits with a regular interconnecting system then one
could plug them together using Beam Cookbook recipes just like using your
symbols on paper to design a complex functional Beam organism. One could
imagine a kind of self assembling organisms that use these building blocks
evolving through the accumulation of errors (genetic drift) both of the
genes themselves and the assembly code of the organism while tested survival
and for "reproductive" fitness (access to gene blocks).
Perhaps you could help by giving me some background to your work. How (and
when (grin)) did you decide on those symbols anyway? Is there a kind of
Macro notation? Which came first the symbols or the functions or the
circuits? How would you'd you describe your other contributions (Your
comments will be carefully recorded ,on or off the list, by a Beam
Foundation scribe 8^)
It appears that the most popular symbols for this group are physical
representations of the circuit components suitable for free-form
building/assembly. Unfortunately these package pinout drawings can not
easily be used as logical representation of functions and network designs.
This form of notation perpetuates a "build bot by pinout" method that
teaches budding engineers as much about electronics as "paint by number"
does for aspiring artists. .
In the absence using standard (ANSII or DIN) logic symbols, your Beam
symbols together with equivalent modular building blocks would be a logical
way to design and build Beam like organisms. Tilden's HexTiles are step
along the way but what I am looking for is something closer to the Lego plug
and play approach.
Please cc me at home also with
Wilf Rigter
tel: (604)590-7493
fax: (604)590-3411
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Weait []
> Sent: Saturday, April 17, 1999 7:02 AM
> To:;
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Beam genome - waste of time....
> At 02:35 AM 4/17/99 EDT, wrote:
> [ snipped a large chunk ]
> [Referring to developing a genome nomenclature]
> >I don't think that's going to happen. I wish someone who's been around
> awhile
> >had come up with this idea. I think that would make it easier to accept.
> >Jim
> Dear Jim,
> Is this something that you need the 'old-timers' to stand-up
> and say 'this is mine, that was theirs?' Could you get started
> on a provisional genome, and see what, er . . . 'discussions'
> arise from it? Methinks a few 'discussions' may be 'heated'
> and perhaps entertaining. ;-)
> I thought that the ascii-schematic version of the Nv symbols
> would be helpful, but I haven't seen them used. Ever. They
> are / were available as reference on two sites.
> Too bad I haven't built anything in a while. (well, BEAM
> stuff, anyways) But don't get me started on work!
> Happy building,
> Richard.
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