Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02407

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 23:47:32 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Genome, CPU vs BEAM vs Hybrid, Copyrights,

In a message dated 4/16/99 6:37:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Your BEAM Genome project is a worthy cause. It has many advantages but
> obviously, one huge disadvantage. It would be impossible for one person
> log
> every different aspect of each "genome" with credit, pros/cons and minor
> variations. I think the answer lies in despencing with the credit given
> each
> innovator. That will reduce squabbling and unproductive nit picking.
> Though,
> down the road, you may run into a few unhappy campers.

Difficult yes, impossible, I don't think so. Really credit is not the issue
here. I used names to illustrate my point. I was referring to the data itself
and how it is structured to aid in the advancement of the field. Besides, I
have stated this as a group project, not a sole endeavor.

> We should create a group to try to map these genomes...maybe "The BEAM
> Foundation" ;-)

That works for me. Anything is a step in the right direction.

> For now I'm going to sidestep all the "other" topics cuz I have a lot of
> brainstorming to do. I have to think of "a contest aimed at promoting
> task-oriented innovation. Without a clear winner criterion - like task
> performed
> and fastest" - Steven Bolt. How the hell do you do that without limiting
> the
> contest to just the upper echelon of BEAMers...and over the net too?

The project should be done by the more advanced beamers. As others advance,
they could contribute as well. The contest should be task oriented, but WITH
a clear criteria for winners of design, not winners who built them. Look, you
have 5 advanced beamers build a common body and brain combination. New
innovations are added to the five designs and tested for pros and cons of the
particular approach. The "winning" designs are incorporated into the
following years bots with another agreed upon improvement. We test the bots
for "winning designs" not winning designers. Posting results on the net would
make the information to all other beamers no matter they're particular level
of advancement. I don't see this as a game of ego.

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