Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02393
To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:12:47 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Double FLED SE
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>yesterday evening I was looking on the schemes of the 1381 SE
>and a FLED SE. Beceause 1381s are hard to get here, would it be
>possible to put two FLED SEs together to one cap and solarcell to
>make a photovore? I'd like to know where to put the tactile
>in the circuit) so, that they work like on the Photopopper kit (if both
>are closed, the popper tries to go straigt). I think they should short
>something out, but what?
Yes you can and its easy!
Build yourself two FLED solarengines and connect them to the same Solarcell and Cap then just each FLED (where it connects to 0v) place a photodiode or LDR. The feelers should then short out the the photodiode/LDR.... Wait, this is getting hard to explain so heres a quick diagram:
Hope this helps.
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